Reclaim Your "REAL" Body - Book Launch

Reclaim your

Real Body NOW!

Your Image

Look Better

Feel Lighter & More Energized

Lose a little around your middle!

Sleep Better

Look & Feel More Youthful

Heal Your Body Deeply & Restore it's natural balance

Your Image

Do you remember a time when you were at your very best? You were strong, healthy, full of energy & life? Everything worked.

You didn’t worry much about food and what you ate. It didn’t seem to matter because your body and the systems within were working in perfect harmony.

That body I just described is your “REAL” body. The one that existed before life and our industrial food and chemical system began to leave its mark.

The program outlined in this little e-book will help you uncover and regain your “Real” body and begin your return to the strong and resilient person you deserve to be!

What others are saying . . .

“This book helped me to see that even though I eat relatively healthy, there are simple things that I can do right now to live a healthier lifestyle. The recommendations are to the point and simple to implement. I came away with new information and new hope that losing these 15 pounds and maintaining good health is possible. You gave me a gift.

Diane B.

“Elaine has taught me so much - I have learned that . . . I CAN lose weight at my ‘old’ age. My sleep improved. My overall health improved rapidly as I moved, watched my intake and eliminated sugar. She made me think more about what I am eating . . . And I start every morning with her secret metabolic weapon . . .

Darcy A.

“This e-book was exactly what I needed. Straight forward, easy to follow steps that I can apply in my life right away. Some are easier and some are going to be harder but I have implemented the ones that work for me right now and I already feel better. Elaine has so many helpful hints that work with my life."

Erin S.



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